„We provide consulting services for the financing of investment projects of entrepreneurs, investors, and the towns and municipalities from EU funds and other sources of financing“ Queries on how to withdraw funds from the structural funds of the EU is our everyday life, and to realize a project financed from EU funds is not an easy job EU Projects We provide consulting services and develop project ideas and work project applications and assist in the implementation of the refund for all projects financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Rural Development Projects Daily customer inquiries are motivated us to offer consulting services development project ideas on how to prepare a project idea to be feasible for funding from any grant, and also provide a recommendation on how best to finance project idea. Elaboration of project ideas Feasibility studies with cost-benefit analysis is made on the basis of existing project documentation, accurate cost estimates on the basis of preliminary design or cost estimate made on the basis of the detailed design. Feasibility study with cost-benefit analysis Consultancy services we provide for private customers to check their entrepreneurial idea and proved the economic viability of the entrepreneurial project. Business Plan Investment study is an extended version of a business plan in which a detailed analysis certain segments of the existing business and investment. Investment Study Strategic management is a consulting service designed for private (companies, crafts and family farms) and public (towns, municipalities and counties) sector. Strategic Management We perform educational workshops all consulting services we provide. All these training work under their own brand name EU friend. Educational Workshops First and last name*PhoneCompanyE-mail* Message* This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.